Learn English In Merton

for Teachers

Pre-Entry / Low-Entry

English My Way

You need to register for these resources, you can use the Centre Number ID: 7042411.

Resources are free and plentiful – Explore teaching plans, audios, text, photos and activities

Follow the links for these topics


  • Me – My life now, People in my life, Places in my life, My future.
    New to ESOL Topic 1: Me | English for Speakers of Other Languages. excellencegateway.org.uk
  • My local area – My neighbourhood, Local services, Recycling and Out and about.
    New to ESOL Topic 2: My local area | English for Speakers of Other Languages. excellencegateway.org.uk
  • Languages and other skills – My languages, My skills, Making a hot drink and Skills exhibition.
    New to ESOL Topic 3: Language and other skills | English for Speakers of Other Languages. excellencegateway.org.uk
  • My Time – Socialising, My interests, Work and My community.
    New to ESOL Topic 4: My time (Unit 1) | English for Speakers of Other Languages. excellencegateway.org.uk
  • And more of this unit on My Time.
    New to ESOL Topic 4: My time (Units 2, 3 & 4) | English for Speakers of Other Languages. excellencegateway.org.uk
  • What’s important to me – My culture and heritage, Opinions, Keeping in touch and What next?
    New to ESOL Topic 5: What’s important to me | English for Speakers of Other Languages. excellencegateway.org.uk
  • To go with the topics there are Picture packs.
    New to ESOL Picture Pack | English for Speakers of Other Languages. excellencegateway.org.uk
  • Reading texts/forms to fill in that run with topics.
    New to ESOL Reading Texts | English for Speakers of Other Languages. excellencegateway.org.uk
  • Listening Resources on a range of topics (My home, My neighbourhood, My Occupation, Things I like doing, Keeping in Touch).
    New to ESOL Listening Resources | English for Speakers of Other Languages. excellencegateway.org.uk

Phonics Resources

  • ESOL Literacies: Alphabet, numbers and phonics. sqa.org.uk

Entry 1

Pre-Entry English My Way / New to ESOL resources are a great starting point.

Then other topics could include:

  • Personal Information – Greet others and introduce themselves and ask others about themselves.
    ESOL Learner Materials, Entry 1, Unit 1. These materials, with a personal information theme, develop and practise speaking, listening, reading and writing skills at Entry 1. | English for Speakers of Other Languages. excellencegateway.org.uk
  • Shopping Theme – Everyday life, express preferences, ask for and listen for information about people, read about other people and write about themselves.
    ESOL Learner Materials, Entry 1, Unit 2 These materials, with a shopping theme, develop and practise speaking, listening, reading and writing skills at Entry 1. | English for Speakers of Other Languages. excellencegateway.org.uk
  • Transport Theme – Ask for directions, give information in shops, read prices, read leaflets, write a shopping list, read and write notes.
    ESOL Learner Materials, Entry 1, Unit 3 These materials, with a local transport theme, develop and practise speaking, listening, reading and writing skills at Entry 1. | English for Speakers of Other Languages. excellencegateway.org.uk
  • More on Transport Theme – Ask for and give travel information, listen to travel information, buy a ticket, read a timetable, read signs in the station, read about travel arrangements and write about travel arrangements.
    ESOL Learner Materials, Entry 1, Unit 4. (This resource follows on from ESOL Learner Materials, Entry 1, Unit 3). These materials, with a local transport theme, further develop and practise speaking, listening, reading and writing skills at Entry 1. | English for Speakers of Other Languages. excellencegateway.org.uk
  • Health Theme – give personal information about themselves, understand questions and explain when they are ill, make an appointment with the doctor and dentist, ask for medicines at the chemist’s, read and write information at the doctor’s, know words for parts of the body, write appointments in a diary and read instructions on medicines.
    ESOL Learner Materials, Entry 1, Unit 5 These materials, with a health theme, develop and practise speaking, listening, reading and writing skills at Entry 1 | English for Speakers of Other Languages. excellencegateway.org.uk
  • Neighbourhood Theme – talk about their neighbourhood, ask where places are, give simple directions, understand a recorded message, ask for opening times, read and write about their neighbourhood and read simple maps and leaflets.
    ESOL Learner Materials, Entry 1, Unit 6 These materials, with a neighbourhood theme, develop and practise speaking, listening, reading and writing skills at Entry 1. | English for Speakers of Other Languages. excellencegateway.org.uk
  • Friends and Family Theme – to greet and invite people, chat and say goodbye, talk about other people, family and friends, order food, read and write about people, read a letter from a child’s school, fill in a tear-off slip, and read and write addresses.
    ESOL Learner Materials, Entry 1, Unit 8 These materials, with a friends and family theme, develop and practise speaking, listening, reading and writing skills at Entry 1. | English for Speakers of Other Languages. excellencegateway.org.uk
  • Homes Theme – to describe where they live, ask for and give information about homes, talk about their possessions, make a phone call about household problems, read about homes, get information from advertisements and directories, fill in a simple form, write about homes and put words in alphabetical order.
    ESOL Learner Materials, Entry 1, Unit 7 These materials, with a homes theme, develop and practise speaking, listening, reading and writing skills at Entry 1. | English for Speakers of Other Languages. excellencegateway.org.uk
  • Work Theme – to understand instructions, work with people, ask permission, leave a message, understand signs and symbols, read information and write a note.
    ESOL Learner Materials, Entry 1, Unit 10 These materials, with a going-to-work theme, develop and practise speaking, listening, reading and writing skills at Entry 1. | English for Speakers of Other Languages. excellencegateway.org.uk
  • Grammar Rules and Tools for Entry 1 – The tools can be adapted to help learners with: present simple, present continuous, have got, countable and uncountable nouns, singular and plural, using ‘some’ and ‘any’, using ‘can’, using imperatives, prepositions of time, prepositions of place, numbers 1-100, getting organised, spelling, learning new vocabulary, handwriting.
    ESOL rules and tools relevant Entry 1 learning materials | English for Speakers of Other Languages. excellencegateway.org.uk
  • Teacher plans and guidance for Entry 1.
    Introduction to ESOL Entry 1 learner materials and teacher notes. Includes general guidance and curriculum overview. | English for Speakers of Other Languages. excellencegateway.org.uk
  • These teachers’ packs are aimed at teachers teaching lower-level learners on a 1:1 basis. This is often done on a voluntary basis and sometimes in learners’ own homes. These materials have been designed to be suitable for learners around E1 level in 1-1 classes.
    One to one tutoring | ESOL Nexus. britishcouncil.org

Entry 2


  • Culture Theme – to listen for information about people’s lives, listen to tone of voice for feelings, give personal information and descriptions of people and things, take part in everyday conversations, obtain information from different texts, use a simple dictionary, write an invitation, and write descriptions of people and things.
    ESOL Learner Materials, Entry 2, Unit 1 These materials, with a theme about culture, develop and practise speaking, listening, reading and writing skills at Entry 2. | English for Speakers of Other Languages. excellencegateway.org.uk
  • Community News Theme – to talk about people’s lives and things they did in the past, meet and greet people, apologise and give reasons, describe people, write about things that happened in the past, write about people and their lives, read texts about people and their lives.
    ESOL Learner Materials, Entry 2, Unit 2 These materials, with a community news theme, develop and practise speaking, listening, reading and writing skills at Entry 2. | English for Speakers of Other Languages. excellencegateway.org.uk
  • Getting Around Theme – to listen to travel information, ask for and give travel information, ask for things and respond, ask for and give directions, talk about events in the past, find information in timetables, plans, and booking forms, read about a travel problem, fill in booking forms and write directions.
    ESOL Learner Materials, Entry 2, Unit 3 These materials, with a getting around theme, develop and practise speaking, listening, reading and writing skills at Entry 2. | English for Speakers of Other Languages. excellencegateway.org.uk
  • Education Theme – to listen for main points in explanations, understand discussions about education, ask for information on the phone, ask for and give personal and factual information, tell people their opinions, understand illustrations and plans, understand texts about courses and education, write sentences about themselves and their education, and use a dictionary correctly.
    ESOL Learner Materials, Entry 2, Unit 4 These materials, with an education theme, develop and practise speaking, listening, reading and writing skills at Entry 2. | English for Speakers of Other Languages. excellencegateway.org.uk
  • Shopping Theme – to listen for details about products, listen for main points in conversations in shops, ask about and describe products, complain about things they buy on the phone, ask for and give instructions on using a machine, find information in advertisements, read and write instructions, fill in forms, write a letter of complaint, and read and write about things to buy.
    ESOL Learner Materials, Entry 2, Unit 5 These materials, with a shopping theme, develop and practise speaking, listening, reading and writing skills at Entry 2. | English for Speakers of Other Languages. excellencegateway.org.uk
  • Free time and Leisure – to talk about things they like doing in their free time, accept and refuse invitations, ask for and get information about leisure activities, find information about leisure activities, read and write informal invitations, and practise new words for leisure activities.
    ESOL Learner Materials, Entry 2, Unit 6 These materials, with a free time and leisure theme, develop and practise speaking, listening, reading and writing skills at Entry 2. | English for Speakers of Other Languages. excellencegateway.org.uk
  • Changes in Life and Work – to ask and give information about people’s lives and jobs, talk about hopes for the future, compare places and people’s lives and jobs, ask questions and show they are listening, check and clarify information, read about changes in a community and write about important events in their lives.
    ESOL Learner Materials, Entry 2, Unit 7 These materials, with a theme about changes in life and work, develop and practise speaking, listening, reading and writing skills at Entry 2. | English for Speakers of Other Languages. excellencegateway.org.uk
  • Looking for Work – to listen for general meaning in conversations about jobs, listen for detail in short explanations about job vacancies, listen for main points to get key information about jobs, ask for and give information about job vacancies, ask for and give information about jobs, read to find information in job advertisements, understand main points about body language, read job application forms, write additional information on an application form and fill in forms for job applications.
    ESOL Learner Materials, Entry 2, Unit 8 These materials, with a theme about looking for work, develop and practise speaking, listening, reading and writing skills at Entry 2. | English for Speakers of Other Languages. excellencegateway.org.uk
  • Grammar Rules and Tools for Entry 2 – The tools can be adapted to help learners with: present simple, adverbs of frequency, present continuous, adjectives, past simple, prepositions of place, imperatives, question words, Can …? and could ..?, must and have to, must and don’t have to, have and has got, conjunctions, verb + ing, comparisons, ‘can’ for ability, reading skills, writing skills, listening skills, learning new words, spelling rules.
    ESOL rules and tools relevant Entry 2 learning materials | English for Speakers of Other Languages. excellencegateway.org.uk
  • Teacher plans and guidance for Entry 2.
    Introduction to ESOL Entry 2 learner materials and teacher notes. Includes general guidance and curriculum overview. | English for Speakers of Other Languages. excellencegateway.org.uk

Entry 3


  • Autobiographical Theme – to listen for information in a radio programme, listen for information about people’s lives, describe places, talk about events in the past, express feelings, likes and dislikes, read factual information, punctuate a text, write in short paragraphs, write using complex sentences and practise spelling.
    ESOL Learner Materials, Entry 3, Unit 1 These materials, with an autobiographical theme, develop and practise speaking, listening, reading and writing skills at Entry 3. | English for Speakers of Other Languages. excellencegateway.org.uk
  • Sport and Exercise Theme – give opinions and agree and disagree, listen to the feelings and opinions of others, listen for information on the telephone, ask questions to get information, tell a short story using past tense, read and understand a newspaper article, fill in an application form, read, plan and write a letter of complaint and use a dictionary.
    ESOL Learner Materials, Entry 3, Unit 2 These materials, with a sport and exercise theme, develop and practise speaking, listening, reading and writing skills at Entry 3. | English for Speakers of Other Languages. excellencegateway.org.uk
  • Health Service Theme – to listen for detail when making arrangements and appointments, listen for gist from a radio programme, listen for questions and short forms, make an appointment over the telephone, give advice about health, ask questions to get information, read texts to find specific information, recognise specialised vocabulary for health, punctuate a text, read and fill in medical forms, and plan, draft and proof-read letters of advice.
    ESOL Learner Materials, Entry 3, Unit 3 These materials, with a theme about the Health Service, develop and practise speaking, listening, reading and writing skills at Entry 3. | English for Speakers of Other Languages. excellencegateway.org.uk
  • Getting to know the UK – to get travel information using the telephone, follow and understand the main points of discussions, give short descriptions of places, discuss and compare places and journeys, discuss places to visit and likes and dislikes, read and get information about places, use a variety of reading strategies, plan and write a letter of complaint, and spell adjectives to do with travel.
    ESOL Learner Materials, Entry 3, Unit 4 These materials, with a theme about getting to know the UK, develop and practise speaking, listening, reading and writing skills at Entry 3. | English for Speakers of Other Languages. excellencegateway.org.uk
  • Technology Theme – to listen to and give instructions, ask for help by phone, describe problems and solutions, take part in a discussion, make comparisons, understand the main events and ideas in a text, select relevant texts and find information quickly, prepare and write reports and correct spelling mistakes.
    ESOL Learner Materials, Entry 3, Unit 5 These materials, with a technology theme, develop and practise speaking, listening, reading and writing skills at Entry 3. | English for Speakers of Other Languages. excellencegateway.org.uk
  • Lifelong learning theme – to understand and take part in discussions about education, talk about a course they would like to do, describe their experiences of learning, phone for information about a course, prepare for and go to an interview, understand texts about courses and education, write a supporting statement for a course, and learn about spelling rules when adding suffixes.
    ESOL Learner Materials, Entry 3, Unit 6 These materials, with a lifelong learning theme, develop and practise speaking, listening, reading and writing skills at Entry 3. | English for Speakers of Other Languages. excellencegateway.org.uk
  • Local communities – to listen for detail in social situations and on the phone, follow, ask for and give directions, follow and take part in discussions, take part in social conversations and phone calls with appropriate degrees of formality, use contents pages and indexes to locate information in texts, recognise purposes of different kinds of documents, use skimming and scanning to find relevant information, extract main points from newspaper articles, and plan, draft and proof-read informal letters.
    ESOL Learner Materials, Entry 3, Unit 7 These materials, with a local communities theme, develop and practise speaking, listening, reading and writing skills at Entry 3. | English for Speakers of Other Languages. excellencegateway.org.uk
  • Working lives theme – to listen to other people talking about their jobs, listen to explanations/ instructions on the phone, talk about work preferences, talk about their feelings, likes and dislikes, make suggestions and give advice to someone, use vocabulary for jobs and industries, trace and understand main events of texts, scan texts to get information about employment opportunities, and organise and write a letter of application.
    ESOL Learner Materials, Entry 3, Unit 8 These materials, with a working lives theme, develop and practise speaking, listening, reading and writing skills at Entry 3. | English for Speakers of Other Languages. excellencegateway.org.uk
  • Grammar Rules for Entry 3 – The tools can be adapted to help learners with: the past continuous, reporting what someone said, relative pronouns, asking indirect questions, giving advice (should), using ‘will’ for future arrangements, adjectives and superlatives, past habits (used to do), degrees of future possibility (may, might + possibly, probably, certainly), phrasal verbs, zero conditional sentences, the present perfect with ‘for’ and ‘since’, the present perfect and the past simple, reading skills, listening skills, speaking (stress and intonation), spelling strategies, vocabulary, learning new words.
    ESOL rules and tools relevant Entry 3 learning materials | English for Speakers of Other Languages. excellencegateway.org.uk

 Teacher Plans and guidance for all these lessons at Entry 3

  • Introduction to ESOL Entry 3 learner materials and teacher notes. Includes general guidance and curriculum overview. | English for Speakers of Other Languages. excellencegateway.org.uk

Level 1


  • Life in the UK Theme – Learners will be able to understand and give a factual account of social trends, listen to explanations and presentations, give and follow a talk, read about statistics and social trends, understand the structure of a text presenting advantages and disadvantages, write a text to develop an argument, extend vocabulary related to social change, and plan a talk.
    ESOL Learner Materials, Level 1, Unit 1 These materials, with a theme about life in the UK, develop and practise speaking, listening, reading and writing skills at Level 1. | English for Speakers of Other Languages. excellencegateway.org.uk
  • News and Newspapers Theme – Learners will be able to listen for information in news programmes, understand and retell a news story, analyse radio interview techniques, respond in interviews, obtain information from newspapers, understand how newspapers present information and understand the special language of newspapers.
    ESOL Learner Materials, Level 1, Unit 2 These materials, with a theme about the news and newspapers, develop and practise speaking, listening, reading and writing skills at Level 1. | English for Speakers of Other Languages. excellencegateway.org.uk
  • Working in an office Theme – Learners will be able to make phone calls and listen to voicemail messages, use formal and informal language, follow and give instructions in the office, read and write e-mails, read and write formal letters, read a magazine article, write instructions and procedures.
    ESOL Learner Materials, Level 1, Unit 3 These materials, with a theme about working in an office, develop and practise speaking, listening, reading and writing skills at Level 1. | English for Speakers of Other Languages. excellencegateway.org.uk
  • Looking for Work Theme – Learners will be able to listen to and discuss a radio interview about employment trends, listen to and take part in a job interview, express views and opinions about work, talk about skills and experience, read about interview skills, prepare and write a CV, and understand other documents for job applications.
    ESOL Learner Materials, Level 1, Unit 4 These materials, with a theme about looking for work, develop and practise speaking, listening, reading and writing skills at Level 1. | English for Speakers of Other Languages. excellencegateway.org.uk
  • Making a difference Theme – Learners will give views and opinions about local issues, get information and advice about a problem, join a meeting to discuss and plan action, read newsletters and reports about local issues, read articles about the government and plan and draft a short report.
    ESOL Learner Materials, Level 1, Unit 5 These materials, with a theme about making a difference, develop and practise speaking, listening, reading and writing skills at Level 1. | English for Speakers of Other Languages. excellencegateway.org.uk
  • Teacher notes and Guidance for Level 1.
    Introduction to ESOL Level 1 learner materials and teacher notes. Includes general guidance and curriculum overview. | English for Speakers of Other Languages. excellencegateway.org.uk
  • Grammar Rules and Tools for Level 1 and Level 2 – The tools can be adapted to help learners with: the passive, question tags, connectives, present perfect continuous, past perfect, conditional sentences, modals, punctuation, preparing and giving a presentation, learning styles and study tips, job interviews (tips and strategies), being assertive, getting what you want on the telephone, spoken and written language, presenting an argument.
    ESOL rules and tools relevant Level 1 and Level 2 learning materials | English for Speakers of Other Languages. excellencegateway.org.uk

Level 2

Conversation Topics


  • Study Skills Theme – Learners will be able to listen to and take part in discussions, listen to presentations, prepare and give presentations, use texts as sources of information, use notes for planning, and write essays.
    ESOL Learner Materials, Level 2, Unit 1 These materials, with a theme about study skills, develop and practise speaking, listening, reading and writing skills at Level 2. | English for Speakers of Other Languages. excellencegateway.org.uk
  • Environmental Theme – Learners will be able to listen to a radio interview about a local issue, discuss environmental issues, describe processes, discuss community issues, read about environmental issues, write short reports and summaries, read and write letters and e-mails.
    ESOL Learner Materials, Level 2, Unit 2 These materials, with an environmental theme, develop and practise speaking, listening, reading and writing skills at Level 2. | English for Speakers of Other Languages. excellencegateway.org.uk
  • Working with others Theme – Learners will be able to follow and participate in discussions at work, clarify and summarise problems, follow and give explanations, instructions and accounts, criticise constructively, respond to criticism and complaints, read and write memos, letters and e-mails, look for information in official documents and other texts, and write guidelines in a work context.
    ESOL Learner Materials, Level 2, Unit 3 These materials, with a theme about working with others, develop and practise speaking, listening, reading and writing skills at Level 2. | English for Speakers of Other Languages. excellencegateway.org.uk
  • Teacher notes and Guidance for Level 2.
    Introduction to ESOL Level 2 learner materials and teacher notes. Includes general guidance and curriculum overview. | English for Speakers of Other Languages. excellencegateway.org.uk

Conversation Topics, Activities and Photos


Unit 1

Unit 2

Unit 3
Family and friends

Unit 4
Culture and creativity

Unit 5

Unit 6
Education and skills

Unit 7
Nature and the environment

Unit 8
Travel and transport

Unit 9
Training and work

Unit 10
Local history and landmarks

Unit 11
Food and cooking

Unit 12

Unit 13
Having fun!

Unit 14
What’s new?

Unit 15